Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Filmmaking Analysis an Art Form in Itself Essay Example

Filmmaking Analysis: an Art Form in Itself Essay Filmmaking Analysis: An Art form in itself Robert Haskins ENG 225: Introduction to Films Hannah Judson 28 June 2010 Filmmaking Analysis: An Art form in itself The art of motion pictures have been compared to other forms of expression art, but what makes it unique is that other art forms are incorporated into motion pictures. Through moving pictures, a story can be told with fluidity and rhythm, like music. Much like a sculpture molds clay or stone into something beautiful; a filmmaker can show us their vision or perspective of a story. Motion pictures have a way of influencing us to change the world, make us laugh and make us cry. This powerful medium has altered our world and has helped shape our culture. Analysis and evaluation is only natural, as humans will always strive to understand why this form of art has made such a lasting impact. To use the techniques to analyze a film, one must first familiarize themselves with the literary elements. By recognizing what the theme is in a motion picture, it becomes easier to see the filmmaker’s intention to the motion picture. Soundtrack and musical score also has the ability to add texture and depth to the experience of watching motion pictures. Just as we place symbolic meaning to other forms of expression, we do the same for motion pictures. Each of us have a different perspective in viewing motion pictures just as no one can see the same piece of art the same way. The style and the way characters are presented are just a few examples of the many different pieces that most analyze motion pictures. The interpretation and evaluation of the art of making motion pictures can help give a better experience to viewing films. The first steps in analyzing a film must be made by identifying the theme. We will write a custom essay sample on Filmmaking Analysis: an Art Form in Itself specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Filmmaking Analysis: an Art Form in Itself specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Filmmaking Analysis: an Art Form in Itself specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This â€Å"refers to the unifying central concern of the film, the special focus that unifies the work† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 20). The theme of any motion picture consists of five elements that filmmakers use to broaden their ideas into specific emphases. Although some motion pictures use all five elements, it is more than likely only one element will dictate the idea. These elements are plot, emotional effect, character, style and an idea â€Å"that helps to clarify some aspect of life, experience, or the human condition† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 24). When filmmakers focus around the plot to the structure of the theme, it usually intended to emphasis the action of the story. Many films like the Indiana Jones (Spielberg, 1981) and Terminator (Cameron, 1984) series uses this to provide the viewer to escape from their normal lives. Another element is the focus on emotion or mood. The motion pictures that use this element direct its attention to specific emotions to explain the story. Many suspenseful and psychological thrillers use this focus. Plot plays a significant role, but it is the mood that is created that is important. Such movies like When a Stranger Calls (Walton, 1979) and Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960) uses this element superbly. The third element that a theme uses is the focus on a unique character. Again, the plot is important in this element, but it is the focus of the personality of the main character â€Å"and what separates them from ordinary people† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 23). Another element filmmakers use to focus the theme on is style and texture, or structure. It is not done often, but some filmmaker’s style dominates the motion picture. Whether it is through camera angels or the rhythm and organization, Quentin Tarantino has a particular style that is recognizable in each of his motion pictures. Last, but certainly not the least effective element used by filmmakers is a focus on a number of ideas that tells the story of the human experience. These ideas can range from moral statements to environmental issues and the truth of human nature. Motion pictures in which the filmmakers depict these ideas try to show us different aspects of the way we live. The elements that filmmakers use to focus our attention to a specific theme are important to enable the viewer to better understand what it is they are trying to convey in the story. Once the theme is established, recognizing the literary elements is another step in knowing how motion pictures are structured and why. Nonetheless the dominate element to the theme, the story is the plot or â€Å"storyline that contributes to the theme† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 42). The plot is the continuous rhythm of action from the beginning exposition to rising action, from conflict to climax, to falling action or denouement. The structure of the plot can be either linear or nonlinear. Linear structure is simply that, it follows the story from one sequence of action to the next. A nonlinear structure to the plot can have the opening exposition begin in the middle of the story and uses flashbacks to fill in the gaps with information that the viewer is unaware of. Flash-forward is another technique filmmakers use to scramble the chronological order. Whether these techniques are useful or not, the flashback has become a valuable tool in the filmmaker’s arsenal to give the viewer information at their discretion. Symbolism is introduced into film making because of its power to project images into the viewers mind. It allows the viewer to interpret meaning to certain things that only they can decipher from their own knowledge or beliefs. In some ways, this gives expression to the motion picture art form. Just as Joseph Boggs and Dennis Petrie (2008) explains symbolism in the text, â€Å"a symbol is something†¦that stands for, suggest, or triggers a complex set of ideas, attitudes, or feelings and thus acquires significance beyond itself† (pg. 2). Another piece of filmmaking that requires analyzing is the musical score and sound effects. The musical score is an integral part of motion pictures; it stirs up emotions and gives the film structure to build on. The importance of a musical score was realized in the earliest silent films to give dramatic emphasis on events and actions that are going on. Film music is divided up in two groups, mickey mousing and the generalized score. (Bogg s, Petrie, 2008, pg. 94) Mickey mousing is when the music proceeds along with the action the viewer is seeing. The generalized score is created to capture the emotions of a specific time or events. The musical score of modern motion pictures have many different uses. Music can be used to describe certain periods or geographical places. You could not imagine hearing an upbeat jazz tune in the movie Gandhi (Attenborough, 1982) or a western player piano song being played during a close-up scene in Gladiator (Scott, 2000); it just would not fit into the motion picture. The musical score can also build dramatic tension to heighten the atmosphere and give the viewer an indication of something important is about to happen. A leitmotif is a specific kind of instrumentation to announce the appearance of a character. (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 299) Another way filmmakers use music is in transitions from one scene to the next or signaling a change in location. Music can also create a diversion from a particular weakness in the film, whether it is the set design, the dialog, or the acting. Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 307) The various uses of the musical score are essential for the cohesion of the motion picture. The complexity of sound effects in modern motion pictures can be over whelming. Ever since sound was put into motion pictures, the importance of the sound effect has been loud and clear. Sound effects are either visible or invisible. Visible sound is when the sound that is coming from something that is being seen in the frame. Invisible sound is the so und that is created from off screen. (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 62) Both types of sound have an important role in creating the realism for the scene. Just as there are cinematic viewpoints for the visual effects, being objective or subjective, the same goes for sound effects. An objective viewpoint, from the standpoint of sound, is when we are casual listeners from an external point. A subjective viewpoint would then be what the character is hearing and the filmmakers make it possible for the viewer to become more involved in the action of the scene. Dialog is just another form of sound effects, but it uses the spoken word. This too, has many different uses to enhance the motion picture experience. Voice-over narration can be used to give a background to the plot or characters. â€Å"It is perhaps most commonly used as an expository device to convey necessary background information or fill in the gaps for continuity that cannot be presented dramatically† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 275). Voice-over narration can also be used in direct contrast to the action on the screen. The over use of this technique could damage the overall effect of the motion picture. The purpose behind a filmmaker’s effort of making a motion picture can be from a variety of different reasons. However, more importantly is how the viewer interprets these reasons by using the symbolic overtones implanted by the filmmakers. It is the same in every art form, the creator of the art wants the person experiencing it to use symbols to evoke associations that the person already understands. We can find and interpret meaning in motion pictures by using these preconceived symbols, but the filmmaker may also want us to see more of what they want us to understand. Filmmakers will attempt to create the symbols they want us to see by using four principle methods to charge these symbols and they are; repetition, placing value on an object by a character, an object or image placed in context, and visual emphasis â€Å"through dominate colors, lingering close-ups, unusual camera angles, changes from sharp to soft focus, freeze frames, or lighting effects† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 76). The use of metaphors is another way filmmakers attempt to create symbolic meaning to the motion picture. Extrinsic and intrinsic metaphors are two types that filmmakers use. The extrinsic metaphor is the part of a metaphoric scene that does not have any logical reason being in the scene other than to show the context of the metaphor. The intrinsic metaphor is what â€Å"emerges directly from the context of the scene itself and [is] more natural and usually more subtle than extrinsic metaphors† (Boggs, Petrie, 2008, pg. 79). When it comes to evaluating and interpreting a motion picture, most people do not grasp the intricacies of what has gone into a film and the effort the filmmakers put into trying to give the viewer an overall good experience. Those that do have the knowledge of what it takes to create a motion picture and why certain things are done the way they are would have a different interpretation from those that are unaware of such things. Just as any art form we evaluate, interpret, and see the symbolism, people will see it differently from one another. People first choose the motion picture by picking a genre depending on the mood that fits them at the time. Then by evaluating the theme and how it fits their mood, they will either like it or not. Some will look at how the director has displayed his or her view and judge them by the content. People would take the plot and attempt to feel the rhythm by which it flows and if the characters they are watching are convincing enough. Often people would also evaluate the writing and how the dialog fits in what they are seeing on the screen. Evaluating and interpreting motion pictures has grown into an art form and it has given the viewer a better experience in viewing films. By understanding the cinematic elements and the ability to identify the theme through plot, characters, mood, style or structure, and the director’s intentions, the experience of watching motion pictures can be more enjoyable. The development of the musical score and sound effects has on motion pictures gives realism and emotion to a 2-D visual story. The ability to use symbolism and metaphors to create symbolic meaning helps the filmmakers by giving us subtle hints to what the message is or what they want to convey. Through learning more about how to evaluate and interpret the reasons why filmmakers go through all the trouble to show their art, people can analyze a motion picture on their own without the so called experts or critics because just like beauty, motion picture art is in the eye of the beholder. Reference Attenborough, R. (producer director). (1982). Gandhi. [Motion Picture]. India United Kingdom: Columbia Pictures. Boggs, J. , and Petrie, D. (2008). The Art of Watching Films (Ashford Custom 7th ed. ). Mountain View, CA Mayfield. Branko, L. , Franzoni, D. , Wick, D. (producers). Scott, R. director). (2000). Gladiator. [Motion Picture]. USA: Dreamworks Universal Studios Chapin, D. (producer). Walton, F. (director). (1979). When a Stranger Calls. [Motion Picture]. USA: Columbia Pictures. Daly, J. , Gibson, D. , Hurd, G. A. (producers). Cameron, J. (director). (1984). The Terminator. [Motion Picture]. USA: Orion Pictures. Hitchcock, A. (producer director). (1960). Psycho. [Motion Pi cture]. USA: Paramount and Universal Studios. Kazanjian, H. , Lucas, G. , Marshall, F. (producers). Spielberg, S. (director). (1981). Raiders of the Lost Ark. [Motion Picture]. USA: Paramount. .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Race for the Double Helix essays

Race for the Double Helix essays Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA for short, is a molecule that has been one of the biggest mysteries of modern science. What is its structure? Does it contain the genetic code and if it does how is it used? These are some of the questions that puzzled scientist in the early fifties. Many scientists tried to figure out DNA but only four came close to answering the questions. Those scientists were James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin. Rosalind Franklin had university degrees in chemistry, she got her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Cambridge University. During WW2, Franklin had made contributions to understanding the structure of graphite and other carbon compounds. After the war she joined the Laboratoire Centrale des Services Chimiques de l'Etat in Paris, where she was introduced to the technique of X-ray crystallography and became a respected scientist in this field. In 1951 she returned to England to King's College, London, where she upgraded the X-ray crystallography laboratory there to work with DNA. Franklin was responsible for much of the research and work that led to the discovery of the structure of DNA. Franklin died of cancer in 1958, at 37. Maurice Wilkins was born in New Zealand but studied to be a physicist at St. John's College, Cambridge. He worked during World War II on the improvement of cathode-ray tube screens for radar and helped the United States work on the Manhattan Project. He researched biophysics with his Cambridge mentor, John T. Randall; first at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and then at King's College, London. It was Wilkins' idea to study DNA by using X-ray crystallographic, which he had already begun to use when Rosalind Franklin became a research associate for John Randall. The relationship between Wilkins and Franklin was not good which probably slowed their progress. In 1951, 23 year old James Watson, an American, got in to Cavendish Labora...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer Service-Customer Friendly Website-discussion Personal Statement

Customer Service-Customer Friendly Website-discussion - Personal Statement Example in order to attract customers and make them stay and shop. The website should have good navigation which actually means simple and not overloaded navigation (Singh). First, Shirts Shop website has simple color scheme in white and navy with no violent colors, thus the content on the website is rather readable. The company’s logo is also rather simple and laconic. When coming to the website’s home page, the customer sees the popups demonstrating and drawing attention to the most interesting propositions to date. The navigation is very simple with the main goods’ categories located in the line in the upper part of the page. The goods offered on the website are supplied with comprehensive description and high-quality photos (including demonstration photos of aprons on models). All the contact information of the company is put at the bottom of every page. Moreover, to my thinking, the website is accessible for every user, the fonts are highly readable, and the speed o f its operation is rather high. Taking into account these characteristics, this website can be claimed to be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exploring Presidental elections and Presidental Power between Research Paper

Exploring Presidental elections and Presidental Power between President Ronald Reagan and President Barack Obama - Research Paper Example During his reign, his administration concluded an important treaty with Soviet Union in order to restrict the intermediate range for nuclear weapons conducted in a proxy war with Nicaragua through the services it offered on the contras. Thus, it invaded the grenade ostensibly to prevent the Soviet Island from becoming an outpost of the Soviet. In 1984, Reagan was re-elected by a huge margin back to the white house. This paper will analyze the presidential powers of Reagan during his reign as the president of the US. Reagan’s taking office that was ushered shortly in his popular acceptance for supply of the side economics both with bellicosity abroad and at home. He was given a political honeymoon after an unsuccessful assassination attempts in 1981. The democrats in the north and the south supported President Reagan’s domestic policy (Cannon 33-35). He therefore instituted a program that focused on phasing out taxes and increasing expenditures on defense of the governme nt. Furthermore, education and welfare budgets were cut, and unanimously accepted, by the congress (Lawson 38). This was a deregulation program of business and a measure of tightening control of information concerned about the government. During his reign, Reagan’s staff contemplated on legislation of the British secret acts until they realized that loyalty was paramount for the detection of the lies. In the foreign policy, other countries were alarmed due to the frank nature of the triumphant of the American rhetoric and determination of the administration in imposing the leadership in America and its priorities. He used his position as the president to pressure for the catapulted movement of the NATO in to order increase expenditures on military. For instance, Reagan affronted even Margaret a staunch supporter to sell grains to USSR to raise money to boost the military. This was like pleasing the agribusiness sector aimed at supporting the US subsidiaries companies that bas ed in Europe. He also managed to prevent Western Europe from importing natural gas, which Russia demanded. The fears of the nuclear weapons receded when Reagan agreed to limit his expenditure on arms talks with Russia and reduced on the tone of the bellicose rhetoric. This progress passed in a summit held in Geneva with Russian president Gorbachev. Reagan’s domestic policies of the US recessed the economy, which meant that his re-election was uncertain. In 1984 November, he got a huge margin of the votes than 1980 election. He exercised peace abroad and gained fame locally. His policy of not ruling but reigning made him famous and extended his congressional action. Furthermore, Reagan presided over for the breakup of USSR claiming victory in the cold war. He was rhetoric a symbolic conservative thinker whose legacy became a strong boom to the economy. He recaptured the national confidence and decayed the spirit of the community that resulted from community inequalities. Most symbolically, he tripled the national debt for US (Owen 235). During his reign for two terms, Reagan sought through all means to reduce domestic programs of the US federal government (Cannon 123). During his first years in office, he adopted the theory of the supply side to stimulate the production and the control of the high inflation by cutting the tax and reducing federal spending. 1982, was the year of major recession

Sunday, November 17, 2019

William Blake English Coursework Essay Example for Free

William Blake English Coursework Essay From the poems that you have studied, what have you learnt about Blakes attitude to the treatment of children in his time? How does he try to persuade his reader to empathise with his characters? Which poem (or poems) do you think best achieve this aim, and why? One of Blakes main influences was the society in which he lived in. William Blake was born on November 28, 1757 in London. Blake was influenced by events in both the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, by the attitude of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They inspired a new way of looking at the world. Blake thought that imagination was the force of art, and people thought his art was too adventurous and unconventional for that time. William Blake witnessed the effect Britains war with republican France had on society, and he talks about this in London (Songs of Experience) and The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) He had radical religious and political ideas, which led him to write Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. In a lot of Blakes poems, he tackles the issue of child labour. After the industrial revolution, with a rise in population came a rise in the number of children being made to work. An employer could pay a child less than an adult, and children were useful for more jobs, for example when Blake wrote The Chimney Sweeper. In both of The Chimney Sweeper poems, Blake attacks the treatment of children at the time. The first one, in Songs of Innocence, shows a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve view of how a child at the time felt. The first three stanzas are negative, starting with When my mother died when I was very young, and describing, thousands of sweepers were lockd up in coffins of black. But this poem shows children have a positive outlook on life, with the final three stanzas being positive. It talks about an Angel who set them all free. I think Blake is writing about God, and the children will be set free after being in their coffins and after death, and that all the children are happy in heaven. Blake is trying to convey the fact that the children do not fear death, perhaps because it is better than their lives. In the last stanza, Blake writes, Tom was happy warm, and he says the children are not worried as if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. This is slightly didactic, which is what a lot writing f or children was in the eighteenth century, but this last line also comes across as sarcastic and angry, as if Blake disagrees with what the children have to do in order to feel safe. The Chimney Sweeper in Songs of Experience is a contrast to The Chimney Sweeper in Songs of Innocence. In this version, Blake has taken on the persona of the chimney sweeper, and the chimney sweeper has been influenced by society. He has realised the faults of society that he had never noticed before. It still shows the children making the best out of life, but this time the chimney sweeper is questioning this, saying Because I was happy upon the heath, that They clothed me in the clothes of death. Blake is implying that because the children are happy doing these jobs, that the adults think this is doing them no harm. Religion plays a part in this poem, as it is mentioned a lot in the poem itself, saying his mother and father have gone up to the church to pray and are gone to praise the God his Priest King. Blake is conveying a message that it is hypocrisy; the mother and father in the poem are good religious people, but even so they are still exploiting the children. Another poem where Blake writes about children is The School Boy (Songs of Innocence and Experience). In this poem, Blake has written it to persuade the reader that children should not go to school, and uses phrases like O it drives all joy away! and The little ones spend their day/In sighing and dismay. Blake is trying to make the reader agree that there is something wrong with society, and that they are doing wrong by making innocent children go to school, when they should be free. At the start of the poem, Blake represents the schoolboy as a skylark (And the skylark sings with me). A skylark is associated with the morning and therefore connected to the children, and then connected to the boy himself. The skylark only sings in the sky, and the skylark is often used as a nickname for someone who is doing well, and this is why Blake used this particular bird to represent the schoolboy. Later in the poem, Blake refers to the schoolboy as a flower bud, using a metaphor to say the schoo lboy is beautiful and should be free. In The School Boy, Blake uses a contrast of positive and negative words next to each other to create an oxymoron. He uses phrases like blossoms blow away and the tender plants are stripped to highlight the fact that the schoolboy cannot experience the freedom as it has been taken away from him. The positive words are blossoms, tender and plants, but the contrast is used by adding words like blow away and stripped. The School Boy is similar to both The Chimney Sweeper poems, as Blake is attacking the way people were treating children. Blake believed that children should be free, otherwise The little ones spend their day/In sighing and dismay, and that they should not have to work or go to school (But to go to school in a summer morn,-/Oh it drives all joy away!) but to enjoy freedom and innocence. Blake refers to children in London (Songs of Experience). In the first two stanzas, Blake uses repetition and alliteration to create a mournful atmosphere. In the first stanza he uses words like wander, weakness and woe. This creates the scene of London; making it seem depressing and slow. In the second stanza, Blake repeats the phrase In every to draw attention to the points he is making, that nobody is happy and everyone is fearful. In the third stanza, Blake brings in religion, which is also clear in The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience). Again, he is attacking religion, describing the church as blackning. He also refers to the chimney sweeper, saying How the Chimney-sweepers cry, which is very similar to The Chimney Sweeper and also shows he does not agree with it, by saying the children are crying. Blake says even infants are upset, with the new-born Infants tear. Blake makes the reader feel sorry for the children, by describing them crying, and using words like youthful and new-born, which makes them sound naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and innocent, and this makes the reader agree that they shouldnt be made to feel fear or be upset. Blake also makes the reader empathise with the children and infants in Infant Joy (Songs of Innocence). Infant Joy represents an innocent baby, who has come into a world where everything is expected to be joyful and well. It is as if Blake has adopted the persona of a mother or father, writing about how the child has come into the world. Blake is saying that all babies are happy, by using phrases like I happy am and Joy is my name. He is implying the baby is joy and expects joy. The reader immediately warms to the infant, because at the time people believed babies to be sinful, but Blake wrote about them as innocent. Blake believed children only did wrong because of the effects on society, and the baby in Infant Joy is represented as not yet part of society as it has no name (Joy is my name). Blake also describes how the baby is not only happy himself, but also brings joy to others around him, by saying Thou dost smile. This is one poem where Blake writes about a child or an infant being happy, innocent and free, as most of the others describe children as being trapped or upset. Infant Sorrow (Songs of Experience) is another example of a poem like this. It is a complete contrast to Infant Joy and it is not seen from a real babys point of view, so it is not a joyful or naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve outlook on life, but it shows a more real view from the baby that is wise. The baby has been brought into a world of suffering, not joy. This world does not welcome the baby, but Blake describes how My mother groand! my father wept./Into the dangerous world I leapt. Both stanzas in the poem use a lot of plosives, like piping and bound, which makes the poem sound abrupt, and makes the reader more shocked. The phrase Like a fiend hid in a cloud, makes the baby sound like a devil in the thundercloud, and that the baby is seen as threatening and unwanted by the family. The reader automatically sympathises with the baby and the way the baby has been welcomed into the world. Many of Blakes poems highlight the treatment of the children, and I think the poems that best achieve this are the ones Blake wrote for Songs of Experience, as these are usually cynical views that draw the readers attention and makes the agree with Blake.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Online Ordering System Dominos Pizza Is Using Information Technology Essay

Online Ordering System Dominos Pizza Is Using Information Technology Essay This assignment will discuss about the company Dominos Pizza with the scenario Online Ordering System that the Dominos Pizza is using this system currently. Firstly, an introduction of the company and the definition of Online Ordering System are discussed. The procedure for ordering a pizza online from Dominos Pizza will be explained and the functions of the Online Ordering System, the internet database will be discussed as well. Furthermore, advantage and disadvantages will be clarified in this assignment. Impact of the technology toward the Dominos Pizza, identify and the similarities and differences of Domino Pizza covered by the module topics were discussed and recommendations for Dominos Pizza were provided and conclusion is given in this assignment. Introduction Dominos Pizza, Inc is a global pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Dominos is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States. Dominos currently has nearly 9,000 corporate franchised stores and Malaysia has 47 stores across the entire country. Dominos pizza served mainly pizza, pasta, chicken wings, breadsticks, cinnastix and a variety of beverages. In 2003, Dominos Pizza makes the Dominos Pizza officially website and online ordering facility. The Dominos Pizza guarantees the customer receive the hot, fresh and great tasting pizzas within 30 Minutes. Dominos is the only pizza company that guarantees the order will arrive within 30 minutes at customer doorstep or a free regular pizza voucher will given to the customer. Main Body Definition of Online Ordering System: Online food ordering services are websites of local restaurants and food cooperatives set up for customers to select from the interactive menus provided so as the ordering process can take place. In order for ordering to take place, any sorts of internet capable devices which support complex web pages are used. People normally use computers to access into the food websites and place an order. Similar to ordering consumer goods online, online food ordering services also allow consumer to register and uphold an account at the Dominos Pizza website in order to make frequent ordering convenient. A consumer will look for favourite restaurant, browse from available items, and select delivery or pick-up. Payments could be made via credit card or cash. Partial of the payment will be given to the online food company. The pioneer restaurants to adopt online food ordering services are corporate franchises such as Dominos Pizza and Pizza Hut. Procedure Firstly, the customer needs to go the Dominos official website, The registration as a Dominos member is necessary if the customer order pizza via online for the first time. First step of the register process is entering the street name to locate the customer delivery address accurately for the delivery. After registered, click on the Order Now button. A log in box will pop up on the screen asking for the customer username and the password. After login the customer is able to start to order on desired food or drinks. Once finished ordering, click on submit. An e-mail for verification will be sent to the customer. Once verified, the delivery will send to the customers location within 30 minutes. After purchasing the pizza, customer can keep track of their pizza by GPS Tracker offered by Dominos Pizza. Payment is made subsequent to the customer when the Dominos employee delivers the pizza to the customer. Function: Ordering food online is becoming a norm for restaurants which offer takeout and delivery orders. Online food ordering is designed as it is cost effective yet an efficient system to satisfy the restaurants needs. The system is also designed for its ultimate flexibility and performance. The customers will be able to access into the company existing website and browse at their menu and select and place their orders on what they desire. Once the customer has confirmed their order, the system will either email or fax the customers order to the restaurant. The online ordering system also enables customers to order days in advance and the system will accomplish the order at the specified time. The online ordering system has been constructed to handle large amounts of orders simultaneously to prevent the system overload. This system is also flexible in a way, whereby customers are able to place online orders quickly, with just a click comparing to the tradition where orders were taken through the phone. More time and cost will be saved ordering online as phone bill is charged according to the time the phone is on the line. The system was used intended to meet the requirements of all of the clients. Internet database Online ordering is easy and convenient yet they have more to improve on their online ordering system. It is good that online ordering system has linked the customers information with the database of the system which facilitates the ordering of customers. In addition, customers information could be tracked easily from their database rapidly if they are regular customers. Advantages With the escort in of the 21st century, several of individuals have found out that it is basically easier to purchase goods online. This depends on the consumers preferences. Some people feel unsecure buying items online because they cannot have physical touch or sight with the items they wish to buy. In this case, some people prefer to have the pizza straight from the oven when it is served. Online ordering provides additional customer service such as delivery to the destination that they have requested for. Customers can view the entire menu and all special offers via official website though online. The system records customers orders when purchasing has taken place. Extra services are provided to customers for example like estimated delivery carryout times and track their pizzas position using the GPS Tracker accessible on the website. When ordering via online, even throughout a busy period such as lunch or dinner time, customers would not have a problem in contacting Dominos Pizza and placing their orders. The customers just need to order via online and the system will automatically generate and put it on queue. Online ordering records and stores past records of orders made and allows the customers to view them anytime during their online ordering session. These records will store at the database. The biggest advantage to order pizza online is that the customer can save a lot of time and effort. Customers can decide to complete their orders within seconds or take their time the customer wishes. There are no time limits for them to complete their orders, thus, customers can take their time to order. Instead of planning out time in daily schedule to go out and make a purchase, the consumer can instead go to the website when they have a free time at work or at home late at night, and look up the product that the customers are considering to purchase. The customers can view the full menu and can order any combination of food while the prices are displayed and calculated as they go. It is much easier for a customer who is wished to make large and complex orders online because the customer can order in patiently, consider the options, and calculate different pricing schemes. Consequently, a customer can take a look at products late at night. Even though the Dominos Pizza stores have closed for the night, customers can place orders for the next day while the website still running and available to make pre-order. This means that even after a long day at work and going back home to meal with family, the customer still have time left to go online and look for the product they want to purchase. The Internet is there is open 24 hours 7 days, and is always willing to let the customer to come make pre-order. By going online, the customer do not have to worry about the hassles, such as when they decide that it is time to check out, they do not have to waste the extra time queuing in line. By ordering online, the customer can also take advantage of deals that are only offered to online customers, and often find products that wouldnt be available at a walk in store and special offers are given to online customers. Customers who order pizza online are proven to order more because they dont feel hasty while ordering, as the customer often does over the phone when using phone order. In addition, online ordering increases the amount of customers who visit the Dominos Pizza official website. It also gains customer satisfaction and loyalty throughout the company. Due to its convenience of online purchasing service, customer purchase frequency also may increase. The company eliminated or reduced labour costs associated with manual order taking due to technology computerize replaced labour usage. For the Domino Pizza Company, the online ordering system accepts both online and traditional coupons to attract more customers. Mackay (2008) claimed that Customers who order on the web tends to order more because they have a menu in front of them. With internet, there will be fewer errors on the orders or miscommunication among customers and the employee who taking orders. Compare to phone call ordering, online ordering pizza make fewer mistakes. When during the phone call order, the customer may order wrong item without realizing it. The pronunciation of certain words might lead to order the wrong product. Besides, it provides timely service. The system examines all food orders prior to the completion and corrects human errors. Also, with this system, the registration of online guests is utilized to create valuable marketing campaigns. Online Ordering provides the wonderful solution for office lunch orders. The customers can orders without the hassle of using phone call to order the pizza. The customer can take their time and get the pizza in time. The Dominos Pizza website guarantees that the message, promotions and add-on offers are well delivered to the customers. In financial factor, online ordering system increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the ordering operations. For the advertisement, it can create easily or upload promotions to the Dominos Pizza website. For instance, this system can increase the customers guest check automatically by customer email by suggesting upcoming sells for additional products. Online ordering increases in sales of goods in the Domino Pizza Company. Disadvantages The trend of shopping online, especially ordering pizza online has gradually been significant in the last decade and online sellers are expected to have improvements on the volume of sales after website features and services altered. There is no doubt that the customers can find great deals online and so many different products which may not be even available in regular stores. By the way, there are certain disadvantages of online ordering. Normally when we shop from a regular store, we can go directly to a salesperson face-to-face to enquire and clarify our doubts regarding the food we ordering. It is possible that customers would have a wrong idea of what the products and services is about as the customers and the employee cannot deal face-to-face for a clear explanation. Another disadvantage is that a lot of companies which sells online state that customer have to pay for the shipping and delivery charges depending on the weight of the product the customer orders. Only a few companies with websites offer free shipping services while some companies provides free shipping services only if the customer has a total purchase of prices exceeding a certain amount. The shipment fee charged often is one of the reasons that customers would not like to order goods online and does not guarantee that the goods delivered will be in good shape. However, a company must consider on the target market they would like to focus on promoting their products and services to. The elderly are most unlikely to order goods online due to their knowledge of operating a computer. Therefore, if the target market includes the elderly, a traditional service has to be provided to them. Online connectivity issues are the greatest disadvantage for online ordering. The customers add items in online shopping cart, enter information and press submit. The confirmation screen might time out when the internet has an unstable connection. The online customers would not know whether the order has been made or not while reloading the page may cause several billing or several orders. Moreover, customers may also make human errors, such as ordering the incorrect item. This can occur when the customer attempts to place an order. The customer may have accidentally clicked on the wrong item while placing their orders through the website. Even if the consumer clicks on the correct product and provides an accurate product number there may still be mistake made in the ordering process if there are options associated with the item. This problem can be rather disturbing because the consumer will get agitated when the incorrect item is received and therefore, loses customers loyalty towards the company. Another disadvantage is that purchasing online would mean that personal information has to be given to the company when purchasing is taken place. Some companies take advantage of this feature. By purchasing on the Internet, the customer would have to take the risk of having their information taken by online companies and misused. Though this is a very rare occurrence, it is more likely to happen online, than in person. To avoid personal information from being exposed, customers would usually look for a trustable company to purchase goods from. More often, what people dislike about online purchasing is that delivery services are only restricted to certain areas. As a result, people living in rural areas are at a disadvantage whereby they will need to go to the destination whereby the company is able to deliver. Impact of the Technology Dominos Pizza is the first pizza delivery company that launch online ordering system and one of the most recognizable pizza brands in Malaysia. Online ordering has been great in this era of time, where communication taking place thru the internet. The company stated the pizza that order via online in Malaysia take up about 8 to 10 percent of the overall sales. On average, Dominos sells over one million pizza daily across the global. The technology helps the Dominos Pizza gain great revenue over other competitors like Pizza Hut which offer online delivery service as well, McDonald and Nandos which order by phone call. Technology has hastily taken over many jobs whereas technology also creates new jobs towards the organizations. Due to the implementation of the online ordering system for the Dominos Pizza, the company might require some web developer to maintain the website and the database. The organisations leadership and managers need to be change and they recognise the need to adapt and change in response to their vision, aim, shareholder expectations and consumer tastes for example the Dominos Pizza need to set new regulation and IT code of conduct to manage the Dominos Pizza website. Internet Application Similarities Dominos Pizza makes use of E-commerce, meaning transactions over the internet, ordering food online can be an example, pizza- a customers favorite, and additional menu items includes chicken finger`s, fresh salads and sandwiches. At the end we all enjoy all the benefits that the internet serves to the Dominos Pizza. The Domino`s Pizza uses a high-speed connection to access the internet, and with use of the internet they have a domain name, By the use of the internet is the ultimate tool in marketing, means they can reach an even wider population. Domino`s have they own website that they operate on is secure and hence digital certified thus providing the user to browse safely. They have built secure internet architecture to safeguard the data that they collect online, example can be advertisement boards. The Dominoes Pizza uses internet browsers to surf the web and consists of other useful features which are used to make ordering a pizza as easy as possible, apart from that you can do everything on their site from browsing the menu and ordering a special pizza`s and furthermore tracking the customer pizza in real time from order to delivery. Differences In terms of difference we see that E-mails sent to customers by the Domino cannot be replied back therefore it help in eliminating the risk of acquiring any Spam without the need to make use of freeware or encryptions. This System does not incorporate chat services, newsgroup or message boards to any user. The System does not incorporate any file transfers over the internet, be it downloading or uploading. Recommendations According to the similarities and the differences, we see that the advantages and the disadvantages of using ordering online; several recommendations are advised to be considered by Domino`s Pizza for them to enhance their services and operation and performance. Ordering food online should be more dynamic and helpful to the customers by enabling them to send instant messages to the customers notifying them on cancelled orders via emails, phones or fax informing them about the dynamic change, and providing them with other feasible alternatives. The interface of the ordering food online should be implemented to support more functionality like incorporating tighter security measures. This will allow the user to have more interaction with the system and test the system of its fullest potential. Ethical Legal Issues Computer Ethics Computer ethics is the moral guidelines that govern use of computers and information systems. For example, unauthorized use of computers and network, software theft, information accuracy, intellectual property rights which is the rights to which creators are entitled for their work, codes of conduct and Information privacy According to James H. (2000), computer ethics is the study of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of technology. Information privacy is one element of the computers ethnics. Dominos Pizza Malaysia acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. This policy covers the personal information that Dominos Pizza and its franchisees hold and locate the way in which Dominos Pizza and its franchisees will use, manage and protect the customer personal information when the customer visit any of Dominos Pizza websites, or place an order with one of the stores. In additional, Dominos Pizza is concerned about the information accuracy of customers. Dominos Pizza will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date. The customer can access and request correction of any personal information concerning the customer at any time. The customer may also request that the personal information be deleted at any time. Dominos will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Cookie A variety of ways to safeguard personal information is installing a cookie manager to filter cookies. A cookie is a small data file sent from a web server that is stored on the computers hard drive. Cookies allow the customer to recognize their computer while the user is on the website and customize the customer online experience and make it more convenient and browse the website browse faster for the customer. This file enables to track visitor to the website and records certain data concerning that visit, such as the web pages that the customer viewed in order to access to the website. The use of cookies by Dominos Pizza enables the server to record the customer preferred language for navigating the website and improve the functionality of the website. Cookies are also useful in allowing more efficient log-in for users, tracking transaction histories and preserving information between sessions. Most web browser applications for example Microsoft Internet Explorer have features that can notify the user when the computer receive a cookie or prevent cookies from being sent. If the users disable cookies, however, the user may not be able to use certain personalized functions of the website. Encryption When Dominos Pizza receives or sends data via its website, it uses recognized industry standard encryption technology. Encryption is the translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, the authorized person must access to a secret key or password that enables the user to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text whereas encrypted data is referred to as cipher text. Dominos Pizza is using Voltage Securitys Secure-mail encryption package to protect internal and external company e-mails. According to Anderson (2007), the manager of network security of Dominos Pizza, he claimed that the move is part of a corporate-wide data loss prevention initiative to avoid accidental loss of private or proprietary information. He realised that e-mails being sent to partners and suppliers, such as insurance providers, may contain information like social security numbers that must be encrypted before sending. The decisions about encryption will be made based on pre-set policy, not by individuals on a one-off basis Secure-mail will automatically flag e-mails with sensitive data and encrypt them automatically prior to sending. Recipients will be able to read protected messages without having to download and install client software. This image show how the encryption works Image Source: Privacy Laws Privacy laws have been set by Dominos Pizza for example like how Dominos Pizza collects customer information and how they use customer information. As Dominos Pizza continuously improve and expand their services, the policy might change from time to time. Whenever necessary, check the website regularly to stay informed of any updates. The policy is effective as from December 2009. Dominos Pizza reserves the right to modify or supplement the policy at any time. If a material change to the terms of this policy is made, Dominos will post a notice on its homepage and a link to the new policy. Dominos Pizza does not provide personally identifiable information to unaffiliated third parties for their use in marketing directly to the customer. Dominos Pizza may use unaffiliated companies to help it maintain and operate its website or for other reasons related to the operation of its business, and those companies may receive the customer personally identifiable information for that purpose. Personal information that the customer submit to Dominos may be disclosed to a third party such as the suppliers who are employed to provide some of the services such as mailing houses. For example, if the customer place an order via our internet order system, the customer details will be passed on to VeriSign, who receive the customer credit card details for internet order payment. VeriSign is a secure internet payment gateway that secures the customer credit card number during transmission. Dominos will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information such as information about racial or ethnic origins or political or religious beliefs except with the customer specific consent or in the circumstances permitted in the Malaysian privacy laws or any other related laws in Malaysia. Recommendation The customer can protect their privacy by fill in necessary information on registration forms, rebate and warranty. The customer can limit the amount of information provide to the websites, fill in only required information. The customer is encouraged to set up a free e-mail account and use this e-mail address for merchant forms such as ordering a pizza. In addition, sign up for e-mail filtering through the Internet service provider or use an anti-spam program, such as Brightmail. Do not reply to spam if necessary. Security Before I start to write about similarities and differences between the security issues and dominos pizza ordering online, we should know the first goal to security issues keep users safe and dominos pizza online need this service to save customers information from loss or damage. Similarities All of the security that Dominos Pizza executes and makes use of it is to win the customers reliance. Dominos company try always to gain the customer and security companies by providing appropriate for the users. All of them looking for renewal ideas, offers and Inventions like new recipes for pizza and such us security program scans the files and codes and automatically pass to the company site on the Internet and to compare these codes and the company will renew the information. All of them need the computer. Viruses, worms and Trojan horses hurt the security and hurt dominos pizza online also because dominos company using internet and company want save Privacy such us security the amendment or change within the Software Protection. All of them has specifically plan. All of them use internet explain, dominos use internet to make ordering easy for all people who using internet and also order what over the people want from dominos. Security fabricate because the people how use internet need to save the information also dominos company need the security to save data from steal or loss. Challenge and Competition. Security companies compete with each other in the services companies provided for the user to gain users satisfaction and also dominos company using advertisement in TV, newspapers and web sites compete with dominos many companies and restaurants such as pizza hut stubborn challenger for dominos. Differences: Security issues Dominos pizza online Security is software. The main benefit of the program is a firewall that works to protect the device during work on the Internet and this wall protects you from hackers Dominos pizza is restaurant best services through company web page Security is very important and indispensable to save the information away from the players and hackers. Dominos pizza is not important, because there are many restaurants that provide the same services also, therefore one cannot loss anything from not eating from pizza rest restaurant. Protection service and Information systems and prevent any person from entering except by permission of the user to our system Service request and this service is available to request through the website Problems in security: All off Virus Anti-Virus, Kaspersky, Nod32, Norton and AVG did not reach full perfection each of them has many flaws and errors such us program size and some of them has the property to delete without permission from user or some of this make system slow. Conclusion Stepping into the world of modernization, majority of the services are being computerized and programmed in a specific system to simplify and reduce labour work. It is a wise decision for Dominos to adopt online food ordering system due to its convenience and user friendly. Dominos website which provides online ordering also have saved profile of signed up customers, including full name, contact number and also complete address for delivery. It prevents mistakes of jotting down the details if customers order through phone call. Besides, Dominos have also kept a record of previous orders so that customers can refer to previous selection of their favourite pizzas. This online ordering service will undoubtedly attract more customers because Dominos allow customers to place an order via internet today and request for delivery on another day. The delivery time is also available at any time according to customers needs from 11.30am till 11.30pm. Another great service provided in online ordering service is Dominos have specifically engineered the Great Pizza Service Tracker that provides customers an up-to-date status from the moment customers place orders to the moment the pizza leaves the store. The status starts from order placed, preparing, baking, boxing, packing, ready for delivery, and lastly the pizza is ready for delivering. In conclusion, Dominos has successfully keeps their customer loyal is partly due to the wide usage of online food ordering service. This service has not only minimize mistakes while placing an order, it has also provides maximum satisfaction for customers during the selection of food. Recommendation According to our research about Domino`s Pizza, several recommendation are advised to be considered by the company to improve their services and operation performance: Planning Domino`s company needs an effective advertising structure or plan, in this case it will improve customer relations. The domino`s company needs to increase the speed and efficiency of pizza making, therefore means that they can cope with larger amount of customers and having long customer relations. Performance management Domino`s company should check how the employees are doing for example how they analyze the performance of the company. Employees are required to interface directly with the customers to improve better understanding; another thing is that the employees need to make certain decision in the company rather than waiting to be told what to do and how to do. For Domino`s to be successful, the employees need to work hard so that they can reach the objective the company. I will recommend the employees should be made happy for example, good working condition and to be treated fairly. Vision Domino`s company needs to improve on their sales which at the end will inevitably lead to more profit and fame also. The Domino also has to break in and expand and do well in the Malaysia market.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Jean Watson Essay

The purpose of this paper is to explain the association of nurse/ patient interaction in the concept of Watson’s theory. I will explore the transpersonal caring in relation to caring factors. Analyzing major theory assumptions related to person, health nursing and environment in the context of the caring moment. Caring theory will be displayed in the professional aspects of my nursing practice. Caring nurse, health education, healing environment and application of caring affect to person is applied throughout this paper. History Jean Watson has brought to nursing her theory of caring and 10 caring factors. Watson defines caring as the ethical and moral ideal of nursing that has interpersonal and humanistic qualities. It is a complex concept involving development of a range of knowledge, skills, and expertise encompassing holism, empathy, communication clinical competence, technical proficiency and interpersonal skills (Watson, Jackson, & Borbasi, 2005). Watson’s theory traces back through 30 years, the earliest was put in textbook nursing curriculum at the University of Colorado. The theory contains Watson (1999) describes nursing as transpersonal that â€Å"conveys a human to- human connection in which both persons are influenced through the relationship and being-together in the moment. This human connection†¦ has a spiritual dimension . . . that can tap into healing† (p. 290). Transpersonal Caring and Caring Factors Transpersonal caring has four components, self, phenomenal field, actual caring occasion of the patient and the nurse, and intersubjectivity (Davis, 2005). Self is defined in Davis, (2005) as, â€Å"I and me perception of relationship of I and me to others and to various aspects of life together with the values attached to those perceptions.† I am a surgical nurse caring for a four –year- old boy. After receiving, report before going to pediatrics to obtain the patient for surgery. Fortunately, I know much more about him, the child because I cared for him in August 2011. As a nurse, Watson’s theory is displayed my caring healing practice (Alligood, 2005). â€Å"As I enter the room, I remember the first three â€Å"caritas†: (1) practice loving-kindness and Equanimity within a context of caring consciousness (2) be authentically present and enable and sustain my belief system and subjective life world of self and the person being cared for: and (3) cultiva te ones own spiritual practice and transpersonal self, going beyond self.†(p. 127) I bring the three of them together, in conversation with the client, parents, and coworkers, I speak in a professional, caring, confident manner. I have learned from nursing practice and experience to sit in a well light room at eye level with open body language, to be friendly, caring and always use a kind touch. This helps prevent any barriers that may have occurred to transpersonal caring. Transpersonal caring in the nurse, environment and person are expressed. Developing continuity is an aspect to caring for him and is not always possible, it just happened to be my late shift. I was grateful to be there for his care. Intersubjectivity Davis (2005), states â€Å"Intersubjectivity is human to human relationship in which the person of the nurse affects and is affected by the person of the other, a feeling of union.†(p. 2716) I apply intersubjectivity in the following way. It seems we bond quickly right after I initial see him, because we have initially had an encounter. I found that focusing on the patient’s pain is a priority and aids in healthy participation with his care. I use is time together to ask about his health, fears, and pain, to prioritize his care. This helps me to know him more as a person, not just another client .†Upholding Watsons caring theory provides the framework for me to practice the art of caring, to provide compassion to patients and families fears, and to promote their healing and dignity; it also contributes to my own actualization client â€Å"(Alligood, 2005). Phenomenal Field Davis, (2005) states phenomenal field is the person’s subjective reality (p.2617) In speaking with Jojo, the Phenomenal field is reviewed when,† He shares in his statement,† my belly hurts really badly.† His mother is at his bedside, she tells me that he has not been eating, he has had a fever, and abdominal pain. From report, I see his lab work show an increase in his white blood count and his CT scan shows appendicitis. This is the nurse in the caring theory, who has gathered the information pertaining to the patients health condition. I listen attentively and notice that he is holding a bear in his left arm. I comment on the bear that is seems to be a security item for the child. His mother agrees. He continues to hold his bear to make his environment externally and internally sound. This is critical in the caring theory to make his environment healing. Developing a human trusting human care relationship While the anestheologist is speaking to JoJo’ s mother, I use this time to speak with him. I ask him about school, family, friends and pets. I ask open- ended questions to explore his feeling and fears. He tells me of his dog, two brothers and preschool. He tells me that,† he is afraid and does not want anyone to touch his belly.† When he is lying in bed, I make eye contact as I gently touch his abdomen. After examining his abdomen. Discussing his departure from the holding area, he starts to cry. Jojo,† let me tell you what we will do when we go in the back to fix your belly.† He asks, â€Å"What?† †Do you know how to blow up a balloon?† I ask. â€Å"Yes, he explains.† Well we are going in the back I will put a muscle tester on you, a space mask, and you can blow up my balloon. I use my awareness, presence, touch, kindness, and hope to make him feel strong and confident of the situation Alligood (2005) stated.† In this holistic Perspective, each dimension is a reflection of the whole yet the whole is greater than the sum of parts†(p. 132). Finally, I let his mother know that we will be talking more about her concerns after his examination. Assisting with gratification of human needs Alligood (2005) stated, â€Å"Being-in-the –world† entails that I cannot consider Jojo without her context or environment of which I am a part (family, culture, community, nurses, health care team, society) (p. 132). I speak to Jojo’s mother about his support system, culture, and resources. These are important factors to assist her in obtaining the proper resources need while her son is hospitalized, and she will be displaced from her home during his recover. She states, â€Å"We have no means of transportation, my husband is unemployed at this time due to his back injury and I have two young boys at home. †We discuss means of transportation available to her family from the hospital as well as financial assistance. She states,† my husband has no way to arrive here and has no idea that Jojo is to have surgery.† I try to ease her mind. I can tell she is becoming overwhelmed. Knowing she has fears it is my moral obligation to enhance and preserve her, â€Å"human dignity, wholeness and integrity† (Watson, 2005). (p. 131) Alligood (2005) stated †Watson’s theory, which recognizes the whole in the parts, supports a focus on the wholeness of a community, aggregate, or population, while still attending to the individuals and families within it. Watson emphasizes seeking to strengthen the client’s resources and capacities as well as mutually planning and evaluating health actions† (p. 134). Jojo returns from his surgical procedure, his mother is crying at his bedside. I sit down beside her and to show her his bandage. We discuss the proper way to handle dressing changes along with actives and diet. Implication of Watson’s transpersonal teaching and learning caritive factor. His father has arrived giving her some emotional support. We sit in the recovery room at his bedside, while Jojo rest. I take time to listen to their fears, comfort them and educate them on his care. Jojo’s mother wipes her tears away and looks up at me. She, â€Å"states I am so grateful you were her to help with Jojo he have helped my family, listened to be, and treated him as if he was your own child. Thank you.† I tell her, â€Å"I would not have it any other way. This is an example of Watson’s care theory, Davis states† human- to –human relationship in which the person of the nurse affects and is affected by the person of the other† (p.2618 ) Nursing Perspective I have applied Jean Watson’s theory in my practice, examining an interaction between nurse/patient encounter. Transpersonal relationship with caring factors was used in the care of my patient. Applying caring moments related to person, health, nursing, and environment. I practice Watson’s theory in my daily practice of nursing. Learning theorist in school and refreshing them periodically may seem unnecessary. Who would not be kind to another, considerate of their needs, offer a conducive environment, listen attentively, or apply a caring factor. These seem like common sense to a nurse. Theories are practice as early with new theories add throughout career paths. It is the application of these theories and portrayal of them that causes the affect. This has brought to my view of nursing the values taught to me not only at home but also during my nursing education. Educating other on the values of caring factors, environmental adaptation, and the true art of caring for a p atient/person with total regard to the values of the patient without passing judgment, Through this continuing education paper, we were able to learn the essential elements of Watson’s caring theory and explore an example of a clinical application of her work through a clinical story. Aiming to preserve our human caring heritage, this paper offered some suggestions and ideas in order to help nurses grasp and utilize Watson’s caring theory in their work environment. â€Å"Nursing can expand its existing role, continuing to make contributions to health care within the modern model by developing its foundational caring-healing and health strengths that have always been present on the margin† (Watson, 1999, p. 45). References Alligood, M. R. (2005). Nursing theory: Utilization & application (4th ed.), St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Davis, F.A. (2005).Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. (20th ed.), Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company Watson, J . (1999). Postmodern nursing and beyond. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone/Saunders Watson, J . (2005). Caring science as sacred science. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Watson, J., Jackson, D., & Borbasi, S . (2005). Tracing nursing caring: Issues, concerns, debates . In J. Daley, S. Speedy, D. Jackson, V. Lambert, & C. Lambert (Eds.), Professional nursing: Concepts, issues, and challenges. New York : Springer .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Virtue Ethics

San Joaquin Valley College Different Approaches to Virtue By Martin P. Aguayo Philosophy 1 C May 13, 2010 Virtue Ethics The Greeks though of virtue as excellence, but the biggest part of being virtuous is being human. Compassion, integrity and courage are some of the virtues that make someone human. Animals do not have a concept of what virtue is, so that makes it solely a human act. You never see animals being courteous to each other, nor do you see them offer assistance to each other. The only animals that come close to showing signs of virtue are pack animals. Although, if an animal in the pack betrays the pack there is no second chances. (dictionary of world philosophy) Consequentialist Approach The Consequentialist determines what is right and wrong with virtue by action. (dictionary of quotations) The one thing that produces the most good will always prevail. This is similar to utilitarianism. I do not agree with this so let me give you an example, if the government wants to take over a dairy farm and it would benefit the community at large, they do. The people that own the dairy farm are unfortunately the victims and also a negligible risk. In my opinion, because the affected group is so small it does not mean they are insignificant. Consequentialist is the wrong way to go. In order to be virtuous all around you must care about everyone and everything. Although the greater good was going to benefit, the farmer does not have to suffer. The government only gives fair market value for the farm and to many people that is okay. I ask you were you the one doing all the work on this farm? Is there a price that you can place on sentiment? In my opinion nothing is more important than family, and if this farm was passed down to me by my father and his father passed it down to him there is no price worth selling for. Because of the Emanate Property law this can be done to anyone at any time without notice. One day the property is yours and the next there is a man standing at the door with a check and a vacancy notice saying you have 5 days to vacate the premises. Non-Consequentialist Theory I do not agree with this approach either; non-consequentialists believe that if something must be done, it must be done no matter what the price. This kind of thinking is destructive; it places irrational thinking into people’s minds. If this kind of thinking were allowed at all times there would be complete chaos. For example I will use the massive oil spill of the Gulf of Mexico as an example. Right now we are in a time of great need, our country and many like it are consumed with the thirst for oil. Unfortunately our great thirst is not quenched. We cannot live off of the oil that we drill on land alone. So we justify drilling of shore by saying that we cannot survive without it, and as soon as some kind of oil spill happens all of a sudden there is no one to blame. The people want to blame the company that drilled into the oceans floor, but completely forget the people who voted for the drilling. With non-consequentialism there are no consequences for our actions, no one to tell us that we are doing a great injustice to ourselves and our land. (ethics and morality) The only time that I would ever agree with this type of theory is when there is a child involved. For example if my child was abducted or in and kind of danger I would do everything in my power to get him back into safe and loving arm. The consequences are insignificant at this point. The only thing that matters if that my little boy is safe and sound. If I go to jail for severely hurting someone, so be it. There is a love between a child and a parent that nothing can ever compare to. I love my son so much that I would give an arm for him, and not the expression I would literally give an arm for him. If we allow anything to happen to our children what will we have left? There would be no legacy of the human race; there would neither history of our past nor any joy. Without a doubt, this would be the only way that I would ever agree with the non-consequentialism. Contractarianist Theory This is the theory that I tend to lean towards and it is the one that the book talks about the least if at all. This theory states nothing that causes harm is to be ever implemented. I know that it is a little extreme but it is the one that I like. It is kind of the theory behind world peace, if there was no harm would there be chaos in this world, I think not. References virtue. (2001). In Dictionary of World Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/routwp/virtue Virtue. (1998). In Collins Concise Dictionary of Quotations. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/hcdquot/virtue Ethics and Morality. (1996). In Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/routpe/ethics_and_morality

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Critique of Quantitative Research Article

A COMPARISON OF VALUES ESPOUSED BY QUALITY AND OTHER MANAGERS Entrekin, L.V. & Pearson, C.A.L. 1995, ‘A comparison of values espoused by quality and other managers’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 130-139. BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH The article by Entrekin and Pearson (1995) reports on research conducted in Australia in 1995. The research compared the personal value sets of Quality Managers against the personal value sets of general managers. This research article was directed at HR managers as could be seen from the journal in which it was published, as well as by the assertion (on page 8 of the report) that the results of this research has implications for Human Resource Management. TYPE OF RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVE The type of research could be classified as Positivist as it is testing two hypothesis. These hypothesis were: (Entrekin, L.V. & Pearson, C.A.L. 1995, pge 4) 1. Quality managers have significantly different personal value systems to those held by general managers. 2. The personal value orientations of managers in organisations employing TQM/QA practices will be commensurate with the key principles of TQM. It is an example of quantitative research in that uses correlational research methods in an attempt to show that Quality Managers are more customer focused than general managers RESEARCH PROBLEM The decline in competitiveness of Australian industry has prompted industrial reforms. These reforms included the introduction of various quality schemes, such as Total Quality Control (TQC), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality Assurance (QA). But the introduction of these schemes alone is not the cure for the ills of industry; the problem is in recognising that a shift in values of management is required. The Authors of the report cite Hall (1996) in giving a definition of values which are â€Å"the chosen priorities that energize individuals†¦Ã¢â‚¬  These personal values are a means in wh... Free Essays on Critique of Quantitative Research Article Free Essays on Critique of Quantitative Research Article A COMPARISON OF VALUES ESPOUSED BY QUALITY AND OTHER MANAGERS Entrekin, L.V. & Pearson, C.A.L. 1995, ‘A comparison of values espoused by quality and other managers’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 130-139. BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH The article by Entrekin and Pearson (1995) reports on research conducted in Australia in 1995. The research compared the personal value sets of Quality Managers against the personal value sets of general managers. This research article was directed at HR managers as could be seen from the journal in which it was published, as well as by the assertion (on page 8 of the report) that the results of this research has implications for Human Resource Management. TYPE OF RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVE The type of research could be classified as Positivist as it is testing two hypothesis. These hypothesis were: (Entrekin, L.V. & Pearson, C.A.L. 1995, pge 4) 1. Quality managers have significantly different personal value systems to those held by general managers. 2. The personal value orientations of managers in organisations employing TQM/QA practices will be commensurate with the key principles of TQM. It is an example of quantitative research in that uses correlational research methods in an attempt to show that Quality Managers are more customer focused than general managers RESEARCH PROBLEM The decline in competitiveness of Australian industry has prompted industrial reforms. These reforms included the introduction of various quality schemes, such as Total Quality Control (TQC), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Quality Assurance (QA). But the introduction of these schemes alone is not the cure for the ills of industry; the problem is in recognising that a shift in values of management is required. The Authors of the report cite Hall (1996) in giving a definition of values which are â€Å"the chosen priorities that energize individuals†¦Ã¢â‚¬  These personal values are a means in wh...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Oswald Boelcke - World War I Ace

Oswald Boelcke - World War I Ace Oswald Boelcke - Childhood: The fourth child of a schoolteacher, Oswald Boelcke was born May 19, 1891, in Halle, Germany. A rabid nationalist and militarist, Boelckes father instilled these viewpoints in his sons. The family moved to Dessau when Boelcke was a young boy and he soon suffered from a severe case of whooping cough. Encouraged to participate in sports as part of his recovery, he proved a gifted athlete taking part in swimming, gymnastics, rowing, and tennis. Upon turning thirteen, he desired to pursue a military career. Oswald Boelcke -Getting His Wings: Lacking political connections, the family took the audacious step of writing directly to Kaiser Wilhelm II with the goal of seeking a military appointment for Oswald. This gamble paid dividends and he was admitted to the Cadets School. Graduating, he was assigned to Koblenz as a cadet officer in March 1911, with his full commission arriving a year later. Boelcke was first exposed to aviation while at Darmstadt and soon applied for a transfer to the Fliegertruppe. Granted, he took flight training during the summer of 1914, passing his final exam on August 15, just days after the beginning of World War I. Oswald Boelcke -Breaking New Ground: Immediately sent to the front, his older brother, Hauptmann Wilhelm Boelcke, secured him a position in Fliegerabteilung 13 (Aviation Section 13) so that they could serve together. A gifted observer, Wilhelm routinely flew with his younger brother. Forming a strong team, the younger Boelcke soon won an Iron Cross, Second Class for completing fifty missions. Though effective, the brothers relationship caused issues within the section and Oswald was transferred out. After recovering from a bronchial illness, he was assigned to Fliegerabteilung 62 in April 1915. Flying from Douai, Boelckes new unit operated two-seat observation aircraft and was tasked with artillery spotting and reconnaissance. At the beginning of July, Boelcke was selected as one of five pilots to receive a prototype of the new Fokker E.I fighter. A revolutionary aircraft, the E.I featured a fixed Parabellum machine gun which fired through the propeller with the use of an interrupter gear. With the new aircraft entering service, Boelcke scored his first victory in a two-seater when his observer downed a British plane on July 4. Switching to the E.I, Boelcke and Max Immelmann began attacking Allied bombers and observation aircraft. While Immelmann opened his score sheet on August 1, Boelcke had to wait until August 19 for his first individual kill. On August 28, Boelcke distinguished himself on the ground when he rescued a French boy, Albert DePlace, from drowning in a canal. Though DePlaces parents recommended him for the French Legion dHonneur, Boelcke instead received the German life-saving badge. Returning to the skies, Boelcke and Immelmann began a scoring competition which saw them both tied with six kills by the end of the year. Downing three more in January 1916, Boelcke was awarded Germanys highest military honor, the Pour le MÃ ©rite. Given command of Fliegerabteilung Sivery, Boelcke led the unit in combat over Verdun. By this time, the Fokker Scourge that had begun with the arrival of the E.I was coming to a close as new Allied fighters such as the Nieuport 11 and Airco DH.2 were reaching the front. To combat these new aircraft, Boelckes men received new aircraft while their leader stressed team tactics and accurate gunnery. Passing Immelmann by May 1, Boelcke became Germanys preeminent ace after the formers death in June 1916. A hero to the public, Boelcke was withdrawn from the front for a month on the Kaisers orders. While on the ground, he was detailed to share his experiences with German leaders and aid in the reorganization of the Luftstreitkrfte (German Air Force). An avid student of tactics, he codified his rules of aerial combat, the Dicta Boelcke, and shared them with other pilots. Approaching the Aviation Chief of Staff, Oberstleutnant Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen, Boelcke was given permission to form his own unit. Oswald Boelcke -The Final Months: With his request granted, Boelcke began a tour of the Balkans, Turkey, and the Eastern Front recruiting pilots. Among his recruits was the young Manfred von Richthofen who would later become the famed Red Baron. Dubbed Jagdstaffel 2 (Jasta 2), Boelcke took command of his new unit on August 30. Relentlessly drilling Jasta 2 in his dicta, Boelcke downed ten enemy aircraft in September. Though achieving great personal success, he continued to advocate for tight formations and a team approach to aerial combat. Understanding the importance of Boelckes methods, he was permitted to travel to other airfields to discuss tactics and share his approaches with German fliers. By the end of October, Boelcke had run his total to 40 kills. On October 28, Boelcke took off on his sixth sortie of the day with Richthofen, Erwin BÃ ¶hme, and three others. Attacking a formation of DH.2s, the landing gear of BÃ ¶hmes aircraft scraped along the upper wing of Boelckes Albatros D.II severing the struts. This led the upper wing to detach and Boelcke fell from the sky. Though able to make a relatively controlled landing, Boelckes lap belt failed and he was killed by the impact. Suicidal as a result of his role in Boelckes death, BÃ ¶hme was prevented from killing himself and went on to become an ace before his death in 1917. Revered by his men for his understanding of aerial combat, Richthofen later said of Boelcke, I am after all only a combat pilot, but Boelcke, he was a hero. Dicta Boelcke Try to secure the upper hand before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you.Always continue with an attack you have begun.Only fire at close range, and then only when the opponent is properly in your sights.You should always try to keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses.In any type of attack, it is essential to assail your opponent from behind.If your opponent dives on you, do not try to get around his attack, but fly to meet it.When over the enemys lines, never forget your own line of retreat.Tip for Squadrons: In principle, it is better to attack in groups of four or six. Avoid two aircraft attacking the same opponent. Selected Sources Ace Pilots: Oswald BoelckeFirst World War: Oswald Boelcke

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Musical Composer Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Musical Composer Research - Essay Example This type of opera is called oratorio and tells biblical tales. Other great composers of that time include Handel (Messiah) and Mendelssohn (Elijah). It is believed that Alessandro Scarlatti was born in Palermo, Italy on May 2nd of 1660. He arrived in Rome when he was twelve years old and studied with Giacomo Carissimi (another great composer of oratorios and secular cantatas). Like other young artisans of his time he was most probably sent to Rome to learn, and work, for the Catholic Church. Musicians at that time were considered in the same social class as tailors and carpenters. Scarlatti's first opera written was called "Gli Equivoci nel Sembiante" and was performed at the palace home of Queen Christina of Sweden (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913). He was employed to the Viceroy as Maestro di Capella for eighteen years and then moved to Rome to be employed as assistant maesto (and then maestro) of S. Maria Maggiore (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913). From there he moved to Naples, spent a short time again in Rome, and returned to Naples where he died. Scarlatti is credited with establishing Naples, Italy as the center of operatic activity (Concise Dictionary of Opera). Scarlatti was educated and held postings in Rome but always returned to Naples as his chosen home. ... Scarlatti's brother, Francesco, was a violinist and composer who penned the oratorio called "Agnus Occisus ab Origine Mundi". His other brother, Tomasso, sang in Naples. Alessandro had two sisters, Anna Maria (1661-1703) and Melchiorra Brigida (1663-1736), who were both singers that worked in Rome and Naples. It is believed that Giuseppe Scarlatti was Alessandro's grandson. Giuseppe was also a composer who wrote several operas (Catholic Encyclopedia). Musical Style Scarlatti is considered the founder of what is called the 'Neapolitan'style of composing. His works transitioned operatic composing from Baroque to pre-classical Neapolitan style. He is considered by many a Baroque composer. "Scarlatti is noted for his thematic development and chromatic harmony which he used with great mastery and in a way anticipates the work of much later composers, among them W.A. Mozart and Franz Schubert" (Dent, p2). Scarlatti is considered the liberator of dramatic expression in opera. Although limited by the Pope's legislation that outlawed secular operas Scarlatti embraced the limitations and created notable oratorios and masses. Many of Scarlatti's works have survived the ages and are performed to this day (Cecelia Bartoli's performance). Scarlatti made good use of the orchestra and performer for operatic expression. Scarlatti is credited with establishing the form of Italian operatic overture with three sections: allegro-adagio-allegro. Many consider this as the forerunner of classical symphony (Dent, p2). He changed how the operatic orchestra contributes to the opera by composing orchestral accompaniment to operatic voice. Instruments were given parts to accompany the opera singers and the orchestra was considered very much a part of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Managerial Finance (topic in instruction) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managerial Finance (topic in instruction) - Essay Example Examples here include venture capital businesses that require consistent capital. However, the investors are allowed to limit their liability due to the massive outlay of capital and investments in the company’s operations. Another example that benefits from limited liability partnership are firms employing and owned by attorneys and accountants that offer professional services (Steingold & Bray, 2001).. A good example is the McGladrey & Pullen Limited Liability Partnership, a mega accounting firm in the United States. Evidently, a 1% investment acquired by partners in the company accrues a liability that limits their exposure to their personal amounts invested. 2. When does insider trading occur? What government agency is responsible for protecting against the unethical practice of insider trading? Explain by giving examples. Insider trading occurs when an individual in a company or associated with an employee of a company accesses pertinent information, and illegally uses it to purchase or sell stock (Macey, 1991). Evidently, such information is used by the individual to gain unfair advantage in the trading of stocks compared to the general public. Example of an insider trading is in reference to the case of Rajat Gupta, a prominent New York based businessman. Evidently, he is accused of acquiring insider from a board meeting of Goldman Sachs. The information revealed that Warren Buffet was planning to make a huge investment that would in effect raise the stock pricing of the firm. Consequently, Rajat Gupta collaborated with Raj Rajaratnam, a hedge fund manager and to purchase stocks from Goldman Sachs when the price was still down. To this end, the government agency in the United States charged with protecting against insider trading is the Securities and Exchange Commission. Its mission is to protect investors, ensure orderly, fair, efficient markets and oversee capital formation. Evidently, the Securities and Exchange Commission enforces the law aga inst insider trading through its division of enforcement. The enforcement division commences investigations against insider trading plus a host of other unethical issues. These include investigations against theft of customer securities or funds, manipulation of securities market prices, sale of unregistered securities, omission or misrepresentation of pertinent information concerning securities. An example of a successful conviction by the SEC in insider trading relates to the case of Rajat Gupta and his collaborator Raj Ratnaman, the hedge fund manager. Evidently, Rajaratnam was investigated by the SEC and found guilty of insider trading. 3. Explain how the tax code allows depreciation to contribute to cash flow. An innate understanding of the tax deductions of businesses offers an appealing opportunity for business proprietors to enjoy individual benefits from business expenditures. To this end, the tax code provides an opportunity for gross income deductions that minimize income taxes. Moreover, the increase of tax deductions minimizes income taxes and taxable income. Consequently, an understanding of how to maximize the deductible expenses of a business enables the proprietor to lower the taxes. Evidently, the tax code allows for tax deduction on expense depreciation. Consequently, it results to tax shield or tax saving that increases the operational cash flow by default. However, this action is based on the premise that a taxable income is present. In effect, if taxable income was not